Developed in '92 Released '17!

Race through 15 sugar-coated levels of arcade action with everyone's lovable pet fluffle - Pogie!
It won't be easy as enemies lie in wait, but Pogie has a special power when he swallows a fizzola!

DreamWorld Pogie - NES : Kickstarter Launched
15th December ‘16
Chris Wilkins agrees to do a dedicated Kickstarter campaign for another of our unreleased NES games. Written, and sadly unreleased, back in ‘92 and clearly inspired by an obvious classic platformer.
When we’d first visited the massive tradeshow in January ‘90, the game that caught our attention most was Super Mario Bros. It had sold over 20 million copies and we’d said at the time, it looked like a game we could write in a couple of months.
Two years later SEGA had produced Sonic which was also massively successful, whilst we’d produced 8 NES games and creating a simple side-on platform game seemed fairly easy and a fun challenge. We needed a fun character and chose Pogie who up until this point had always been cute. We thought it would be fun to have him turn aggressive on hitting a power-up.
We really felt we’d produced a great game and were devastated as it, along with several other games went unreleased.
Following the success of releasing Wonderland Dizzy through a Kickstarter campaign in ‘15, we asked Chris about doing a Kickstarter campaign exclusively for cartridges for this game. We searched Philip’s loft for the master or source code and found it along with 2 other unreleased NES games - Mystery World Dizzy and Panic! Dizzy. Lukasz Kur again took the source code, tidied it up a little and remastered it, whilst Piotr ‘PIT’ Gratkiewicz produced a great illustration.
The Kickstarter was launched in December ‘16 and 600 cartridges were produced and released in May ‘17 with all royalties going to SpecialEffect.
A version is currently being written for the Spectrum Next by Lyndon Sharp. (Pre-release video review here)